
Where To Next ?

Observing and photographing marine and terrestrial wildlife can be very time consuming. Therefore, prior to departing on a trip, in depth research has to be completed to determine the best season, weather conditions and animal movements - not too mention other important aspects such as transportation, accommodation, food and safety constraints.

Many of the locations visited are not in first world countries, and the animals targeted frequently do not have habitats close to major airports and cities.  In country domestic travel arrangements can be very time consuming and frustrating to arrange. 

Often an idea for a trip remains an idea for quite sometime as logistics are worked out. Whilst some excursions are just a short skip and jump from home requiring minimal organization, other trips fall within the expedition category and require far more in-depth and time consuming analysis until they eventuate.

So what's in the loop?

Keep updated on my travels - see the Anaspides Photography Blog (BLOG tab above).



LEFT: SCUBA diving and photographing in Raja Ampat, Western Papua.



Upcoming Assignments & Trips (2012)


Unfortunately, I will not be documenting the location of future photographic trips on this website or my Blog. The reason for this decision is because I am continually being e-mailed and contacted by people seeking information to the locations I visit. I don't mind sharing information, but when people "demand" to know where you are going and what you are doing along with details - well suffice to say, enough is enough. To those who were interested in this information, I'm sorry for the inconvenience and I hope you understand my reasons for making this decision.


Throughout 2011

Tasmania - Australia

Tasmania Devils in the night (on-going project). Photographing wild Tasmanian Devils at several locations in Tasmania. Most of the photography is nocturnal from blinds

Jun 2011

Wild Dingoes - Australia

Observe and photograph pure bred Australia Dingoes (Australian wolf)

Oct 2011

Offshore Islands - Tasmania, Australia

Seabirds, Blue Penguins, Prions & Albatross. During my last visit I had a companion :) This trip I will be alone on this isolated island.




Tentative Trips (still in the early planning stages)


Christmas Island, Indian Oceans (Birds, Crab Dance and Whale Sharks)


Reindeer Migration, Central Canada


Namibia, Africa



Jan 2012

New Zealand Sub Antarctica islands

This will be an EXCITING trip. I hope to visit several sub Antarctica islands to document the wildlife which includes several; penguins, seals and albatross species :) For the most part I will be alone (unless I can talk someone into joining me). I will be staying in scientific lodgings and camping. Still in the planning stage, but work is in progress! (December, January & part of February 2012. This will closely cover the wildlife breeding season in this area of the world - tentative)



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